- The role of analytical technologies in the development of intergovernmental relations. Since independence the budget system of the Kyrgyz Republic has undergone significant changes due to new formats of financial relations in society, transition to market-based mechanisms of doing economics. Changes in the public sector were directly linked to reforms in public administration. However, the reform of public administration also included the creation of a system of local self-government. Read more...
- Features of financial decentralization in a unitary state (report). Read more...
- Improving the revenue potential of local budgets. The autonomy of local self-governments is determined by the ability to independently perform their own functions and powers delegated by the state and, accordingly, to finance them from their own revenues. The presence of subsidies in the form of transfers from the central level, limit the ability of LSG bodies to decide certain tasks. Transferred to the local level equalization grants are not targeted, but their volumes can often cover only operating costs (protected items of expenditure of the cost of public services, other operating expenses). Read more...
- The two-level budget is the basis of LSG development in the Kyrgyz Republic. The transition of the budget system of the Kyrgyz Republic on the principles of fiscal decentralization, which is characterized by a two-level budget is an integral part of the reform of public administration and local self-government development. Read more...
- Untapped reserves of local budgets. The budget process is a key element in the development of the local self-government. It is encouraging that since 2013 the budgetary policy of the state to local budgets is aimed at strengthening the revenue base of local budgets. That is a significant number of local authorities have a real opportunity not only to develop plans for development, but also to implement them. It is confirmed by the figures in 2014. Read more...
- Analysis on the participation of local budgets in financing school education. On September 20, 2011, the Kyrgyz Government adopted a resolution №563 "On the transfer of educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic on a per capita principle of financing". The same decree introduced a temporary method and the formula for determining the volume of categorical grants, both to ensure the entire system of educational institutions, and in the section on municipalities - cities and aiyl aimaks. Read more...
- Learning to budget. Practical seminars on "Citizen participation in the budget process" for the 41 municipality. Seminars were attended by 250 people, including 42 participants representing 26 non-pilot municipalities of Issyk-Kul and Jalal-Abad regions. Read more...
- Local taxes will replenish local revenues. With regard to improving the management of financial resources at the level of cities and rural municipalities the LSG development program for the period 2013-2017 has the following objectives: to provide an opportunity to find internal financial resources to the mechanisms of LSG budget, tax and other incentives; build a system of relationships with the State Tax Service of the Kyrgyz Republic in forecasting the revenue side of the local budget, the administration of certain types of taxes. Read more...
- Budget Code: investment and transparency instead of negative Grants. The concept of the Budget Code project of the Kyrgyz Republic was adopted by Kyrgyz Parliament in June 2014 in the first reading. In early September 2014, an enlarged meeting of the working group to finalize the draft of the Budget Code of the Kyrgyz Republic with the participation of members of the Committee on Budget and Finance Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic and representatives of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the discussion participated members of parliament, representatives of government agencies, international organizations, civil society and experts on the budget, including representatives of the Development Policy Institute. Read more...
- Budget as an indicator of reform. Project overview local revenues in 2014. If the planned changes to the budget in 2014 would be fully executed, then we can talk about the beginning of the real appreciation of the financial autonomy of LSG. Budget 2014 can be characterized as an indicator confirming the sequence of the reform of LSG in terms of empowering LSG fixed income sources. Read more...
- Budget Code: progress and innovation, problems and contradictions. Expert opinion. Read more...
- Review the plan local revenues in 2014. The total volume of local budget revenues in 2014 in accordance with the approved state budget in 2014 will be 15 828 600 000. Soms, or over budget in 2013 will decrease by 27.8% (on 5859,8 mln Soms). Read more...
- Access to budget information - the right of a citizen. Quality of life is characterized by such important concepts as household income, housing, infrastructure, level of medical care and public health, environment, safety, etc. In many ways, achieving a high standard of living provided by the citizen, through his efforts, skills and enterprise. Read more...
- Reform of the financial decentralization - myths and the real problems. The political leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic announced reforms aimed at increasing the autonomy of local government in the formation and execution of local budgets. One of the decisive stages of the reform represented the transition to two-level budget, the Ministry of Finance stated in the Law "On the republican budget for 2012". Read more...
- Funding for education - the threat of reforms on local government. Per capita funding - where the money? Currently, a broad information campaign started on the introduction of a new method in the country. They emphasize it as a revolutionary, innovative, timely. According to some experts, there are certain problems associated with the risk transfer market relations in the education system, problems of small schools, which may not be sufficient funding due to the small number of students and other issues. Probably one of the main aspects of the reform - at the expense of what finances this reform is planned to be implemented? Read more...