Participation of citizens in the strategic documents ofthe Kyrgyz Republic NSDS in paragraph 5 of section 2.7 “Development of local self-government” secures one of the strategic directions of development as an increase in responsibilities and roles of the heads of local self-governments, improvement of the accountability forms to the local community and deputies of local kenesh.
LSG Development Program in section II “Strategic goals and objectives” highlights Direction 1 “Increased accountability and optimization of LSG bodies, oriented to the needs of citizens” which particularly states the following objective for LSG: “... develop mechanisms to involve citizens in the process of personal participation in self-government, decisionmaking on important public issues, exercise the right to local rule-making initiative. It is necessary to build capacity of the LSG heads by increasing level of professionalism, ethics, transparency, accessibility, credibility and reputation in the community”.
Priority Rural Assessment (PRA ) - the first step to genuine partnership between citizens and local self-governments. Read more...
Charter of the local community: Chronicles of discussions of small Constitution of rural municipalities. Pilot discussing of a new project of the Charter of the local community in three rural municipalities likely to remain in the country's history as the first true real discussion of their small Constitution - the residents of rural municipalities considered the Charter of the community in such way. Read more...
The integration of new ideas to solve old problems. The results of the experience sharing trip. Another trip on the exchange of experience, organized by VAP in June 2014, was devoted to the practice of involving citizens into the budget process and decision making at the local level. Read more...
Public awareness is one of the important tasks of Local Self-Government. How was it addressed in Toguz-Toro ayil aimak? Lack of public awareness is the last in the list of priority problems identified during PRAs, but has not the least importance. Geographical isolation of the community, poor communication with the center generated a feeling of detachment from the outside world, creating a hunger for information among the public. Read more...
Libraries and community - questions of cooperation. The modern period of development of libraries associated with many difficulties and the need to address a very wide range of issues, such as the acquisition of information resources, reduction or reorganization of lost connections, the search for additional sources of funding, the need for the introduction of modern technologies and new services in library work and many other issues. Starting work in the new economic environment, many libraries have gone from their own, the sole solution to these problems, awareness of the need collective, corporate work, both within professional associations, as well as the revitalization of participation in the life of local communities. Read more...
LSG bodies and Local Council are two wings of the eagle, and only their highly synchronous motion can raise the local self-government. At the end of the summer the VAP again held a experience exchange trip among the 51 representatives of municipalities, including 34 head of AO and deputies of local councils from 21 rural municipalities of Jalal-Abad and Issyk-Kul regions. This time the route was distant and hard - through the passes and difficult road the municipal leaders went to Toguz-Toro district of Jalal-Abad region to learn the best practice of their colleagues where the involvement of citizens in the budget process and issues of local importance were solved in a good way. Read more...