The first Educational and methodological materials on financial literacy for school students was published in Kyrgyzstan, 27.08.2018
Presentation of the educational and methodological materials consisting of the Textbook and the Workbook for students of the 10-11 grades, and the Instructional Manual for teachers was hold on August 23, 2018 in the Park Hotel, 87 Orozbekov Street, Bishkek.
The educational and methodological materials “Key to Financial Independence” was approved by the Academic Council of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education (excerpt from the protocol No.10 as of November 30, 2016) and recommended for publication and use in general education schools of the Kyrgyz Republic within the course “Individual and Society/Introduction to Economics” for extra-curricular activities at the expense of the school curriculum, as well as electives and clubs.
The EMM complies with the Standards of Basic Competences (knowledge, skills and behavior) on financial literacy for students of 5-11 grades of the secondary educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the Chairman of the Coordination Council for implementation of the Program for Raising Financial Literacy of Population of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2016-2020, by T.Abdygulov, Chairman of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on December 27, 2017.
The publication was developed in the framework of joint activities of the Development Policy Institute (DPI) and the Fund of Educational Initiatives Support (FEIS) and published with the financial support of the “Voice of Citizens and Accountability of Local Self-Government Bodies: Budget Process” Project financed by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC) and executed by DPI.