Exchange of experience is the most effective way to gain new knowledge
Details for the media: Nurgul Jamankulova, PR Specialist of the Project: 0555/0500 313-385, 0770 771-711,
In order to strengthen the horizontal interaction of local self-government bodies in the effective solution of local issues, on December 21, 2021, an exchange of experience took place among the municipalities of the Chui region. In particular, LSG bodies of Sokuluk and Alamudun regions.
The event was held on the basis of the Lebedinovsky ayil aimak of the Alamudun district of the Chui region.
More than 60 people took part in the exchange tour, represented by representatives of Sokuluk and Alamudun district state administrations, heads of ayil okmotu of two districts and toraga / torayim of ayil keneshes of Sokuluk district of Chui region.
“The event was organized in order to provide information and clarifications about the new adopted basic laws in the field of local self-government in the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the participants got acquainted with the development practice of the Lebedinovka municipality of Alamudun region and the activities of the municipal services, visited the water intake, studied road construction and lighting works in the village and with houses built for municipal employees, including teachers, - said Bekbolot Bekiev, VAP Project Manager.
The participants were also presented the topic of departmental training of employees through the Local Governance Academy of Central Asia (LGACA) and the Portal of LSG Best Practice
The experience exchange event was broadcast live on Facebook and is available at the links: @DPIKyrgyzstan and
The experience exchange event was organized by the Union of Local Governments of the Kyrgyz Republic within the framework of the Project "Voice of Citizens and Accountability of LSG Bodies: Budgetary Process", funded by the Swiss Government (#VAP) and implemented by the Development Policy Institute with the participation of Sokuluk and Alamudun regional local administrations.
Details for the media: Nurgul Jamankulova, PR Specialist of the Project: 0555/0500 313-385, 0770 771-711,