Openness and transparency of local self-government: public hearings
This topic has been disclosed to representatives of staff and members of the local Kenesh, Tort-Kul AA December 29, 2011 at hall of the Regional State Administration of Ton District, Issyk-Kul region.
Development Policy Institute
This topic has been disclosed to representatives of staff and members of the local Kenesh, Tort-Kul AA December 29, 2011 at hall of the Regional State Administration of Ton District, Issyk-Kul region.
The event was held in the framework of the "Voice of the citizens and the accountability of local government: the budget process, financed by the Swiss Government, in partnership with the British Department for International Development, implemented by the Development policy institute.
An aim of training was to train specialists staff the AA members of the local Kenesh, and community leaders, the mechanism involving population in local affairs and the budget process by holding public hearings. The training was attended by 24 people, including representatives of the AA unit, the local Kenesh deputies, directors of the three rural schools and a representative of the kindergarten, Head of the country club and the local farmers.
In order to determine the effectiveness, accessibility and comprehensibility of training, all participants who completed the training, went through special tests before and after training. The tests revealed that the level of knowledge after the training has increased by 20%. It should be noted that the theme of the training was fairly easy and familiar to many participants, and, accordingly, a preliminary survey on the knowledge level reached 54%. But despite this, the participants had made special emphasis on the timeliness and availability of training materials.