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DPI presented Set of Training Materials “Citizen Participation in Local Self‐Government of the Kyrgyz Republic”

DPI presented Set of Training Materials “Citizen Participation in Local Self‐Government of the Kyrgyz Republic”

Presentation held on April 1, 2016, with participation of representatives of Bishkek universities.

All participants of presentation were provided with the a copy of all five (5) manuals of the Set of Training Materials (STM) “Citizen Participation in Local Self‐Government of the Kyrgyz Republic” in Russian and Kyrgyz languages.

5 manuals, based on the experience of rural municipalities of the Kyrgyz Republic were designed for local self‐government bodies and active representatives of local communities, aspired to exercise their constitutional right to independently address local importance issues in their own interests and under own responsibility.

The Set consists of five manuals with practical and methodological guidelines, based on experience of rural municipalities of the Kyrgyz Republic and devoted to the following issues:

  1. local planning based on the priorities of the local community in decisionmaking (ISBN 978‐9967‐11‐502‐6);
  2. planning of joint actions of the local community and local self‐government bodies to address the local importance issues (ISBN 978‐9967‐11‐534‐7);
  3. public events (gatherings, meetings and public hearings) as a form of citizen participation in local self‐government (ISBN 978‐9967‐11‐509‐5);
  4. monitoring and regular evaluation of the local self‐government performance by local communities (ISBN 978‐9967‐11‐507‐1);
  5. municipal budget transparency index as a tool for citizen participation in the local budget process (ISBN 978‐9967‐11‐535‐4).

The STM can be supplemented by new training and practical materials in the future. 

The STM is based on the requirements of the Kyrgyz national legislation and the provisions of the Model Community Charter, as well as on practice of Kyrgyzstani municipalities. The practical value of the STM is that all manuals contain samples of forms and documents in printed and electronic forms. The attachments in electronic form include full text of the regulatory legal acts regulating the topics which are in the focus of the five manuals comprising the STM.

They were also welcomed to fill in a request for additional copies for further work with local communities, students and other stakeholders.

Publication of the STM was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Project “Voice of citizens and accountability of local self‐government bodies: budget process”, financed by the Government of Switzerland in collaboration with the Department for International Development, and implemented by the Development Policy Institute.

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