On January 27, 2022, an online exchange of experience on this topic was held on the basis of the Portal of Best Practices of the LSG KR.
In order to exchange experience between LSG bodies on the implementation of the Local Initiative project, on January 27, 2022, an online meeting was organized on the LSG Best Practices Portal of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The meeting was attended by employees of LSG bodies, deputies of local keneshes, activists and leaders of local communities, the total number of which was over 90 people.
Video of the event is available at: https://youtu.be/Vg100iB4NLI
Link to presentations: https://myktyaimak.gov.kg/events/single-event?lang=ru&id=56
The participants were presented with examples of some rural municipalities:
The event was organized as part of the support of the Union of Local Self-Government of the Kyrgyz Republic by the Project "Voice of Citizens and Accountability of Local Self-Government Bodies: Budget Process", funded by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the Development Policy Institute.