Such opinion was expressed by the most of residents who took part in the activities of the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), conducted in late summer 2015.
This and other issues were discussed during the village assembly on December 18, 2015, in Grozd village of Alamudun district of Chui region with participation of more than 100 people.
According to information presented by Aiyl Okmotu, a lot of problem at the local level were identified by the results of PRA sessions which later were prioritized. So, by the opinion of the villagers, the most actual and important issue was the lack of getting education at the village secondary school. The next problems were prioritized as following:
​Staff of Grozd Aiyl Okmotu presented all those identified problems and asked for the opinion and suggestions from the villagers. Also, the Plan of joint activities was presented by the Head of Aiyl Okmotu developed by the members of Working group.
Participants, also, acquainted with the lists of Initiative groups and Group of joint monitoring and evaluation. After presentation the participants were asked to give their candidates to be added or changed as memebers of those groups.
The head of AO also mentioned that Aiyl Okmotu will update the information on the Information board on regular basis.
The organizers asked to write their suggestions and questions on papers given them at the beginning of the event.
At the end of discussions, the LSG bodies congratulated particularly distinguished activists and community leaders who have been awarded diplomas.