Look at your neighbor and make it better!
For more information please contact: Nurgul Jamankulova, Public Relations Specialist of the Project, tel.: (0770) 771-711, NJamankulova@dpi.kg, www.vap.kg
Over 80 representatives of 41 municipalities from all seven rayons of Osh oblast will exchange experience in the area of citizen involvement in budget process and joint addressing issues of local importance aimed at achieving transparency and strengthening accountability of local self-government bodies (LSGs).
Representatives of AO will be able to share their experiences of working with the population during the exchange tour conducted by the “Voice of Citizens and Accountability of LSG: Budget Process” Project financed by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Development Policy Institute (Project). The exchange tour will be held on the basis of three rural municipalities of Osh oblast and will cover participants from the following rayons:
- Jazinskiy AA (Uzgen rayon), November 21; representatives of more than 20 AOs (Uzgen, Aravan, Kara-Kuldzha, Kara-Suu) are invited.
- Gulistanskiy AA (Nookat rayont), November 28; more than 18 AOs (Nookat, Alay, Kara-Suu).
- Chon-Alaiskiy AA (Chon-Alai rayon), November 30; representatives of 2 AOs of the rayon were invited.
During the exchange tour, participants will visit rural gatherings, where aiyl okmotu specialists will speak to the aimak residents in detail about the PRA process (priority rural assessment) and focus groups with participation of all age and gender groups of the local population to identify priority problems of the population and plans for their solution, plans for spending the local budget funds for these purposes. Participation of activists in the work of the Initiative Groups and Monitoring and Evaluation Groups will also be discussed. These events are held on the basis of target projects - partners of the Project. There are only 10 targeted municipalities in Osh oblast.
“Activities of experience exchange between the municipalities in one oblast provide an opportunity for the participants to see a successful experience in addressing issues of local importance in practice through participation in the activities of their colleagues demonstrating the process of “a dialogue” between the LSG bodies and local population” comments Bekbolot Bekiev, Team Leader. – After the village gathering, the representatives of LSG bodies of the municipalities will answer questions of the exchange tour participants about the results of their work to ensure transparency and openness of their activities through the organization and holding of public events, including information campaigns. The exchange tour participants having learned about the experience, together with the Project consultants will discuss issues related to the organization and holding of the public events.Not only our target municipalities (partners) are invited to the Project’s exchange events, but also other AOs, which are 4 times more than invited. Our Project is open to all. It is important for the Project that the experiences of target municipalities are accessible to all LSGs in Kyrgyzstan. Employees of the regional representation of the State Agency for Local Self-Government and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic are also invited to participate in the events”.