DPI conducted the-two-day training for LSG bodies in Jalal-Abad region

February 9-10, 2012 in the building of Jalal-Abad State University, DPI in partnership with the University of Central Asia, held a two-day training for the staff of Aiyl Okmotu apparatus on "PC user" programs Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

Development Policy Institute

February 9-10, 2012 in the building of Jalal-Abad State University, DPI in partnership with the University of Central Asia, held a two-day training for the staff of Aiyl Okmotu apparatus on "PC user" programs Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.
An aim of the training was to increase the capacity of LSG bodies by facilitating their work to provide quality services to the public. This training event was held in the framework of the project "Voice of the citizens and the accountability of local self-government: the budget process."
All handouts are fully adapted to the needs of the target audience - age contingent of students was from 49 to 61 years. This is explained by the fact that the AO working mostly middle-aged people, as young people, due to the unattractiveness of the municipal service, does not tend to work in AA, and many are earnings in the Russian Federation. But it should be noted that students, regardless of age, tried to record and perform all operations under the topics presented by a trainer.
According to participants, it was very exciting and useful. "The first day we were all in wonder. Who knew a little bit, could even turn the computer on their own, "- says one of the participants. “Now we have found that almost 80% of us have kept the “mouse” for the first time in our life.”
On the second day of training, participants have felt freer and successfully fulfilled the task of drafting tables on payroll taxes and the calculation of ground taxes. It is noteworthy that they did not hesitate to ask openly and asked to "show again."
"We are very grateful to the organizers. The only drawback was that the handouts were in Russian "- complained an employee of AO and trainer Tentiev Daniyar said that UCA can translate and give them extra.


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