DPI conducted planning session to discuss the main activities of the project

The meeting was held on January, 31, in order to avoid duplication and ensure the multiplier effect of the Project effort with other individuals and organizations.

Development Policy Institute

The meeting was held on January, 31, in order to avoid duplication and ensure the multiplier effect of the Project effort with other individuals and organizations. The meeting was attended by deputies Kenesh KR, representatives of the Apparatus of the President of KR, the Government Administration, ministries and departments, as well as the heads of pilot aiyl aimags, donors and local NGOs.
Interim results of the inception period of the project were presented, as well as expected results in three main areas of Phase I, during a joint planning session. Discussion of the most interesting moments began immediately after the presentations, as well as actively continued during the discussion of the three separate target groups on issues related to the major obstacles to increasing political autonomy of local self-government, the need and opportunities to develop the Code of the LSG, the reality of financing training programs for municipal employees with the State and Local self-Government; possible ways and forms of integration of initiative groups in the community in the existing institutions of local self-government, especially in the work of the local Kenesh, the necessary conditions to ensure that local self-government bodies were interested in the activation of initiative groups’ work, define document and the form on increasing of demand of citizens’ participation in the budget process, additional steps must be taken to address the problem of funding of delegated state powers; the main risks and obstacles to the transfer of tax administration to local self-government bodies, the fate of "Berkut" against the spread of other software products, the first steps towards the introduction of program budgeting at the local level.
Also useful information was obtained about what other donors are also planning activities of the public involvement to the budget process.
Reference: Inception period of the project "Voice of the citizens and the accountability of local self-government: the budget process, financed by the Swiss Government, in partnership with the British Department for International Development, duration of the project- 6.5 years, inception period began in November 2011 and will run until March 31, 2012 , the main purpose of inception period - testing tools and careful planning of the first main phase for the period from April 2, 2012 to March 31, 2014. 

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